Meri Jaan, does DA man ever stop to amaze the viewers?

What do you write more about an actor who just outperforms his previous performances?
This is an open question to you all ! If you have not still seen the movie, you can respond after you see the movie, but honestly, did you find Amitabh Bachchan in Auro?
From what I saw - NO! It was simple a character called Auro, there was no presence of Big B.
That my friends is the power of the actor that just amalgamates into the character. What a performance - Splendid Indeed.
Well, whether you gave Auro's performance a hit or a miss, I know that some of you asked about the other political performances going around. I have not been following too much, but these are some from the top of my head
- Hillary Clinton performing fantastically in Pakistan and speaking beyond political diplomacy
- Obama's Die-Hard performance to get the health bill passed in the US Obama's pacifying performance to appease political parties and V-Vets on the Afghan troop recall/deployment issue
- Dr. Chandrashekhar's idiotic fasting performance for separation of Telangana as a state in Hyderabad (this has now gone beyond a pandora's box)
- Bal Thakre's lacklustre performance in criticising Tendulkar for saying he is an Indian first and Mumbaikar second
- Mukesh Ambani's media performance in praising and honoring Tendulkar
- Mukesh Ambani's political performance of travelling with the PM to tap on Siberian Oil fields
- Jaimee Grubbs emotional performance with the media to tap on Tiger Wood'$ re$erve$ (Bechara Tiger, no CLUBBING with Golf anymore :)
- Sarah Palin's non-literary performance with her book writing skills
- Lady Ga-Ga's suicidal performance in front of the Queen in UK
- Toy industry's marketing performance in selling Zhu-Zhu/Go-Go hamster as THE toy for christmas
Till we meet next, stay safe, stay performan-tic and stay in loeve,
Paa was really nice. Hats off to Amitabh Bachchan for such wonderful performance. He is really an inspiration to other stars in B-town. So, you have been catching up with SNL. It is just funny. God Save Tiger. Whats up with men this year, why cant they stay in peace?
Tiger ban gayaa mouse-man
Paa was really well made. Where are u mate? Almost the yr gone. Lots of developments in NJ.
Good to see your post after long time.
Meri Jaan you have been following the news more than us. Paa was fantabulous - but could have been tighter.
Tiger woods episode is a shame. But should we be worried what a player, politician, artist or any person does beyond his job? Can we leave his personal life away from his public profile? Women know this that men will always remain dogs, but we still fall for them. This year has been a shame for men.
Good one. Keep the posts coming more often Pankaj. We miss you on EBC.
Public people have to be responsible for their behavior. They are accountable, so to answer post of someone's response, their personal and professional life cannot be separate. Bil Clinton had a responsibility, a moral responsibility been the preseident of USA. Tiger has one and to hell but Shiny also had one. Keep up the good work.
Tiger is lost in the woods.
Good to read the blog. I think your political list sums up the uppers and downers of this year. Still to see Paa but have heard nice things. I think we should leave Tiger alone.
Paa is inspired by Benjamin Bratt but it is nice packaged. Balasahib has sathiya-ed. Tiger is still a tiger on the field, no more entry in bedrooms though.
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